AccessDenied ReasonPhrase:Forbidden Building Project

When trying to do a build i.e. `mvn clean install` I get a 403 Forbidden Error:

If you run into the following error, please check the following:

1. If the error message indicates that it is unable to pull metadata for a  com.broadleafdemo:demo-* artifact. Such as something like this:

Could not transfer metadata com.broadleafdemo:demo-****-services:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml from/to broadleaf-microservices ( Access denied to:****-services/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml , ReasonPhrase:Forbidden.

Then you'll want to verify that you are executing a mvn clean install from the root of your Flex Package Starter project. All demo-* dependencies are actually built from that same Flex Package starters project (i.e. from the /services directory).

MicroservicesDemo/ <----- execute mvn clean install from this directory
├── flexpackages/
│   ├── balanced
|   |   ├── browse
|   |   ├── cart
|   |   ├── processing
|   |   ├── supporting
|   |   └── docker
│   ├── common
|   |   └── docker
│   ├── granular
|   |   └── docker
│   └── min
|       └── docker
└── services/
    ├── adminnav
    ├── adminuser
    ├── asset
    ├── campaign
    ├── cart
    └── ...

2. If you receive an error message building a demo dependency because it cannot pull down a Broadleaf Framework dependency (e.g. com.broadleafcommerce.microservices). For example:

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project demo-*-services: Could not resolve dependencies for project com.broadleafdemo:demo-*-services:jar:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT: Failed to collect dependencies at com.broadleafcommerce.microservices:broadleaf-*:jar:1.3.0-GA -> com.broadleafcommerce.microservices:broadleaf-*:jar:1.3.0-GA: Failed to read artifact descriptor for com.broadleafcommerce.microservices:broadleaf-*:jar:1.3.0-GA: Could not transfer artifact com.broadleafcommerce.microservices:broadleaf-*:pom:1.3.0-GA from/to broadleaf-microservices (<a href=""></a>): Access denied to: **** , ReasonPhrase:Forbidden.

Then please contact us at with the name of the dependency that you are having troubles pulling down and we can validate your credentials.