Unable to connect to host.docker.internal

I’m running in a linux environment and getting "Unable to connect to host.docker.internal" error

The Broadleaf Starter Projects are optimized for MacOS and Windows development so some of the default configuration is specific to those environments. Particularly, there are several references in the project to "host.docker.internal". "host.docker.internal" doesn’t currently resolve properly using Docker for linux as it does for Docker Desktop for Mac or Windows. 

Several workarounds exist for this. One way is to change all "host.docker.internal" references to use the docker0 interface ip instead (typically which you can verify by running the following: ip route | grep docker0 | awk '{print $9}'

Project Update Options:

- Option 1: update all references in all the  .env and  docker-compose.yaml  files in this project to use (or your docker0 interface ip) instead

- Option 2: update your  /etc/hosts file and add host.docker.internal (or your docker0 interface ip)